May 31, 2018
Finding the funny; The purpose of comedy; The last Car Share; Roseanne Barr; Finish Big; Consume the Media; Keeping people happy; An interview with Jeremy Nicholas; Music from Rob Corcoran
May 24, 2018
Happy GDPR Day; The Royal lip-reading; Annabel Kaye; Google and copyright; Speaking lessons from the Stones; Don’t make a song and dance of it; Communicate like a band; An interview with Gilda Bonanno; Music from The Dustbowl Revival.
May 17, 2018
The big day is here; Who won the competition?; Pitching for business; No award wins; New York Times; Living on the edge; What exactly is news?; Who cares what you say online?; An interview with Carl Leighton-Pope; Music from the Mona Lisa Twins
May 10, 2018
Eurovision is back; Win an hour’s speech coaching; Jojo Moyes; Citymapper; A funny thing happened on the way here; Bite me (ten times); Social Networks or Pubs?; An interview with Joe Wicks; Music from Mick Terry
May 3, 2018
Happy thingy day; Crying Wolf at the dinner; Jonathan Pie/Tom Walker; Mike Coupe; Seven Ideas (maybe 8); I’ve been misquoted; Is Facebook safe?; An interview with Oscar Scafidi; Music from The 1957 Tail Fin Fiasco