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The Media Coach Radio Show

Feb 28, 2013

Hints and tips for media appearances, speaking and social media. This week; St David; Our Oscar speech winner; Jennifer Lawrence; Haven’t you run before?; Talk with your audience, not at them; Plan your answers; Listen all the time; An interview with Vinny Verelli; Music from Jim Boggia

Feb 21, 2013

Hints and tips for media appearances, speaking and social media. This week; The Baftas; The Oscars; A competition; Kevin Ayers; James Corden; Thank you very much!; We’ve won an award; Social Media Awards 2012; An interview with Thom Singer; Music from Katie Sutherland.

Feb 14, 2013

Hints and tips for media appearances, speaking and social media. This week; No horses; No pope; Stephen Fry; Michaelangelo’s underpants; And your point is?; Five media myths; Cut it out!; An interview with Jim Lawless; Music from Mick Wilson.

Feb 7, 2013

Hints and tips for media appearances, speaking and social media. This week; Richard Crookback; John Lennon burgles; Andre Cassagnes; Applebee’s oops; Bad words and biscuits; An honest tale speeds best, being plainly told; Is it really you?; An interview with Alexia Leachman; Music from Lisbee Stainton

Feb 1, 2013

Hints and tips for media appearances, speaking and social media. This week; Why to blog; six-second Vine; HMV farewell tweets; Blackberry not iPhone; Calling Conference Speakers; Call My Lawyer!; Don’t be a Mad Man; An interview with Michael Soon Lee; Music from Marcus Eaton