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The Media Coach Radio Show

Oct 24, 2011

Hints and tips for media apearances, speaking and social media. This week; Half-term in Spain; X Factor; Steps; Edmondo Ros; ETA celebrates Halloween; Non-Linear Presenting; It’s not just bull; Social Media Tapas; An Interview with Joachim de Posada; Music from Mick Wilson

Oct 20, 2011

Hints and tips for media appearances, speaking and social media. This week; Gaddafi is gone; So are Westlife; X Factor hangs on; Barry Feinstein; Roger Gray; Go your own way; Go the distance; Ten tips for shareable content; An interview with Roger Harrop; Music from Bill Leverty

Oct 13, 2011

Hints and tips for media appearances, speaking and social media. This week; Railway Children; Liam Fox; Steps; Warren Gatland; Blackberry; Advice from Old Bill; Can I check it before you print it?; Become a Twitter Chatmeister; An Interview with Andy Lopata; Music from Simon Kirke.

Oct 6, 2011

Hints and tips for media appearances, speaking and social media. This week; Steve Jobs; An apology; Professional speaking; David Cameron; Star Wars; A real GASP; Working from a script; Soft and hard interviews; Twitter analytics; An interview with Russell Trahan;  Music from Mary Hopkin