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The Media Coach Radio Show

Aug 25, 2022

A trip to KL; A PM in jail; Usain Bolt’s logo; H&M may be greenwashing; Why are we here?; The centre of attention; Social media fireworks; An interview with Steve Bingham; Music from Slim Chance

Aug 18, 2022

Is it silly season?; Drink more in Japan; Chatting with the recently deceased; A cookery expert goes off script; Objective, your Honour!; The timing is right; Is it really you?; An interview with and Music from Hannah White

Aug 11, 2022

Volunteering; Ryanair cheap flights?; A wonder full actress retires; Richard Madeley goes full Partridge; Gladstone’s Rules; Straight and Narrow; How are you doing on Social Media? An interview with Ross Kimbarovsky; Music from When Rivers Meet

Aug 4, 2022

Commonwealth Games interviews; It’s not all plain cycling; A letter to Liz and Rishi; A badly-named stand; Starting strongly; On the radio; Google tips and tricks; An interview with, and music from, Phil Matthews