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The Media Coach Radio Show

Jul 30, 2020

A very long walk in Norfolk; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ; Peter Green; Now where was I?; Cut the cliches; A touch of grey; An interview with Guy Clapperton; Music from the 1957 tail-fin fiasco.

Jul 23, 2020

The slow return; Off for a long walk; Joe Wicks; Don’t upset Clint; Advice from Old Bill; Live from your home office; Become a Twitter Chatmeister; An interview with Roger Fairhead; Music from Ainsley Diaz Stevens

Jul 16, 2020

A tribute to Judy Dyble; Screaming in Iceland; Twitter and a hack; Fail safe online facilitating; News and not news; Why social media is the opposite of archery; An interview with Judy Dyble; Music from Judy Dyble and Andy Lewis

Jul 9, 2020

Outdoor concerts and gyms; Musicians wanted; I’m going to Barbados (or not); Kanye West; Just the facts; I’m not here to discuss that; Be unique, be invaluable; An interview with Saray Khumalo; Music from the Lost Hollow Band

Jul 2, 2020

Not dancing in the street; Are you a musician?; Carl Reiner; Amazon flops; What’s the thing?; Three key media release facts; Orwell’s blogging rules; An interview with Marc Woods; Music from the Lost Hollow Band