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The Media Coach Radio Show

Feb 27, 2015

Life is tough; Eventex; My Oscar winner; Sesame Street; Natalie Bennett; Four ways to ruin a speech; On the phone to the studio; Don’t rush to sell; An interview with Frank Furness; Music from Mick Terry

Feb 19, 2015

Oscar time; An Apple disappointment; King and Escort; Barack Obama is what?; Dealing with Nerves; The Overtaking Rule; Picture this; An interview with Jeremy Lee; Music from Mick Wilson

Feb 13, 2015

Brian Williams; The Visibility Summit; Jon Stewart; Pink Van Woman; Last-minute changes; Wave the flag; Why Social Media works for small businesses; An interview with Dan Poynter; Music from Mick Terry

Feb 5, 2015

The power of propaganda; Last chance to win; Like a Girl; Brian wan’t there; How to be Original; The first time you meet a reporter; Novak Djokovic’s social media; An interview with Joe Vitale; Music from Ainsley Diaz Stevens