Jun 22, 2006
Hints and tips for media appearances and public speaking. This week; Top of the Pops jumps the shark; Monty the Master; Gareth the Mug; Taming Technology; The Triangle of Trust; Where's that page?
Jun 15, 2006
Hints and tips for media appearances and public speaking. This week; International speaking; Blues Brothers; iPod toilet roll holders; Giving someone else's speech; Appearing on Radio: Steve Krug's 4 questions
Jun 8, 2006
Hints and Tips for media appearances and public speaking. This week; Keira Knightly; Football gaffes; Speaking simply; TV Opportunities; Web counters - no!
Jun 1, 2006
Hints and tips for media appearances and public speaking. This week; Hotel radios (or not); Clowns and water; Make 'em laugh; Are you ready?; How long is your URL?